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Repair ACO5000

The "ACO5000" family of converter is still in production. It has a power range from 5 to 30kVA and has a concept of multi-axes capability.

Multi axes concept

mono-axis drive of 5-8kVA
mono-axis drive of 20kVA
mono-axis drive of 30kVA
Mono-axis drive
of 5-8kVA
"HAC5005T" or "HAC5008T"
Mono-axis drive
of 12k-20kVA
"HAC5012T" or "HAC5020T"
Mono-axis drive
of 30kVA
drive 2 axes of 2x5-8kVA
drive 2 axes of 1x12-20kVA and 1x5-8kVA
drive 2 axes of 1x30kVA and 1x5-8kVA
Drive 2 axes
"HAC5-0055T" or "HAC5-0088T"
Drive 2 axes
"HAC5-0128T" or "HAC5-0208T"
Drive 2 axes
Drive 3 axes of 3x5-8kVA
drive 2 axes of 2x12-20kVA
Drive 3 axes of 2x5-8kVA and 1x212-20kVA
Drive 3 axes
"HAC5-0555T" or "HAC5-0888T"
Drive 3 axes
"HAC5-1212T" or "HAC5-2020T"
Drive 3 axes
"HAC5-2055T" or "HAC5-2088T"
Drive 4 axes of 4x5-8 kVA
Drive 3 axes
"HAC5-5555T" or "HAC5-8888T"

It is possible to repair either only one modul or the complete drive.
Below the different "ACO5000" moduls regarding their power.

Separated moduls

Power modul of 5-8kVA
Power modul of 12-20kVA
Power modul of 30kVA
Power modul
"HAC5005D" or "HAC5008D"
Power modul
Power modul
Power supply modul
Power supply modul
"HAC5000A" or "HAC5030A"
braking modul "R"
braking modul "R1"
Braking modul
Braking modul


Please follow the procedure explained below to dismount one modul

Please read our Repair policy and fill in our Repair form.

Design A. Schwendener